Category Archives: Cult and Religion

Denying The Lord


Lord,  sometimes it is so difficult to accept,

That you do hear my prayers

But still I do not get any answers from you on all my questions ,

Sometimes it feels as if you are not hearing my plea

Sometimes I feel that I do not believe anymore

Forgive me for this Lord, I must keep faith in you

Lord makes me strong and a big believer so that I can Hold fast on to your word and believe in you

Thank you Lord for when you do answer my prayers.

Prayer for Trouble


Heavenly Father you know there,

Is so many things we worry about,

Time and time again, it keeps coming up

Every time I leave it with you Lord, but It

Keeps coming back just to stress about it again,

Forgive me, Lord, please I pray and please just,images

Show me the way.

Please take my troubles and hold it close to you,

And that I know my Lord you will take care of it.



Sitting here all alone on my bed, music playing softly in the back waiting for my hubby dearest to arrive home from work as it is already late my mind started wondering to the past week we had.  I just had to share it as it is very important to me.

Thinking back what a week it had been, it started with me on the Monday 10th February 2014 browsing the net to my surprise my husband came home early from work.  He had lost his job and with me being without a job for two years now working on and off on contract, he had been the sole breadwinner for us me relying on him most of the time.  I went all pale in my face and quiet listening and taking all off it in.

My husband worked for the past five years with a very difficult man with no human feelings at all.  He use to arrive home some days very negative and did not want to go back to work many a times, but with us in the situation we where he had no choice.

I looked at him and said it will be fine we must just believe and keep faith.  We both decided to advertise our motorbike on the net to be sold, thinking we must make a plan to survive and it could take some time for a sale to take place.  By the evening the motorbike had been sold and God provided money to keep us going till either one of us had a work.

As the week progressed we applied for three job applications for him.  By Thursday afternoon a gentleman phoned him for an interview the Friday morning.  As Friday arrived we read a verse my mom had sent us to read out of Psalm 56.  We read the whole chapter but the verse that stayed in our minds was the following:

When I am afraid, I will trust in you,

In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust:

I will not be afraid.                     

What can a mortal man do to me?

My husband went to the interview and he started working today.  When in doubt believe and trust in God.  He is in control of your life and he makes all possible for those that believe in him.  Leave all your fears, pain and concerns with him and it will be provided in his time.

That is why I do believe in miracles of God.  God made this possible for us and I praise him for that in all what I do.














Where there is life, there is hope.  These words are so true.  I have been through many trials and tribulations regarding my life from being in an alcoholic home to losing all my belongings we worked so hard for, but there has always been one who I can trust in my Father God with all that happened in our lives he has always provided for us and a very special friend.  I have never gone to bed hungry or even dirty.  I have always had a warm place to stay.  I praise Him for always listening to my prayers and all the tantrums I have had.

It could have been worse than it had been.  It does not matter what trials and misfortune we all go through if we say up these nine words aloud to ourselves, we feel much better.  It’s like taking medicine not very sweet and most off the time very bitter and not easy to swallow.  You do not always believe that it will help you when swallowing it down.  It takes time for it to work.

There are days that that you need this sentence much more than other days.  We believe that our problems are much greater than others problems and that is where we make our mistake.  This is what you do just sit and switch on your telly.  On that screen there are many people all over the world going through much worse problems than what you have been going through, from people being murdered to people losing everything in their lives. When you see people going through hardship and pain, your problems are not as bad as theirs.  Then you sigh and say these magical words: “It could have been worse than it had been.”

It is so true.  Many things could have been worse. If you had broken your one leg it could have been worse you could have broken two.  But one day you will stand up and look back at those problems and think about them going forward and always remember that there is Hope!

Hope you find with your Creator and other people that are always there to listen.  I want to thank my special friend she knows who I am referring to as she has listened to me and has gone through many hardships herself.  Always being there for me even if we do not see each other that often and making me believe in my-self.  Remember there is hope and if you do not have anyone to talk to please feel free to just drop me an email I will listen.  I may not be able to solve the problem but at least you have someone to talk to.

God Bless and take care keep faith and believe.


The beauty that God have given us♥

When we look at nature all around♥

The calm of the sea♥

As one looks over the bay♥

The mountains far in the background♥

Are grey blue in color♥

The clouds hold a promise of change in the weather♥

The birds on the rocks♥

Waiting for the fish they need♥

Knowing and trusting God♥

To provide them with food♥

What are we but God’s creatures?♥

Also needing God for our comforts♥

We are those people♥

Who do not submit to his will?♥

We want to go our own way♥

Bumping our heads as we go♥

Why can’t we be like those in nature putting our trust in God?♥

They do not have the minds like we have♥

And yet they know♥

That is only his hand that provides them so♥ 

(Alfreda Doidge)



The night has passed

You dear Lord has held me in your arms

Thank you for the love and mercy given

You have protected me from harm

Although sleep was broken by thoughts

I knew you were there to help

And as the time passed

My life was in your loving hands

You always listen to ones prayers

As one used those hours

Sometimes when kneeling no thoughts came my way

But I know that your presence was there

We praise you Lord God

We give thanks to you Lord God

We worship you Lord God

Just for being there

Praise you.



You brought me into this world, a child of loving parents

I came with nothing, and they gave me love

And although they told me about you My Lord and Christ

You were there in the background, but not really part of my life

Goodness you were so patient with me

You held me up each time I fell and was hurt

But still I did not accept you as you wanted me to

Yet now I know I could not have gone through the pain

Without you holding me up as you did

I thank you for always being there for me in my troubles

You were there when I made mistakes

You helped me get up each time

When I needed you

But my Lord I ask forgiveness for the pain I caused you

I thank you for your healing hand in my recent problems

I thank you Lord for your love that you give me each day

You are my strength and shield in the problems pressing now

Without you I am nothing

And as I came into this world without anything

So I will go out of this world without a thing

Because while my so journey on earth

I use everything that you have provided



When and where do miracles happen? Can one remember when it did?

Was it so obvious at the time that it stood out in your mind?

Some people can look back give you the exact time and place

When that wonder happened in the time of space

Yet many of us go our way

Not noticing anything at all

Everything is taken for granted

For every hour of the day

It was our Lord and Savior

And his disciples as well

That made things happen as they did and

Miracles were there for everyone to see

There are those that have been ill

Or in trouble of some kind

That when a prayer was uttered

A miracle took place in their life

Yet is it not what happens each day with every breath that we take

And especially that day we took our Lords offered sacrifice

That a miracle happened in our life.